An ideal diet should offer sufficient quantities of all the nutrients vital to health and beauty. The beauty diet, or the adaptation of an all-natural living plant food regimen and lifestyle, is not simply about retaining beauty, or even slowing the aging process.
Vitamin A is necessary for healthy hair and eyes. It is also essential in the prevention and clearing of infections of the skin. Vitamin A countervails dry skin, dandruff and wrinkle formation. It is required for healthy blood circulation which gives a glow to the skin.
Vitamin C, in affiliation with protein, is necessary for the production of collagen-the glue that holds us and our skin together and circumvents sags or wrinkles. It controls sebaceous glands to maintain skin from drying out; helps prevent facial lines, wrinkles and spider veins; hair tangling or breaking. Water should be taken in large amounts, from six to eight glasses a day. It gives the skin the essential moisture and a dewy look.
Your diet conduces a great deal towards making you beautiful. Copper is essential for the production of skin pigment and for the prevention of blotches under the skin from damaged blood vessels. It also conjoins with other nutrients to pre serve the integrity of the elastic-like fibers supporting the skin.
Vitamin E helps form muscles and tissues to prevent wrinkles and precocious aging of the skin. It aids prevent dry, dull skin, age spots, falling hair and dandruff. It ameliorates circulation and healing of scars. Protein molecules are not absorbed by the epidermis into underlying tissues. So, you need to furnish proteins through the foods you eat daily. Water clears the system of all toxins and keeps the blood free from defilements. Water also prevents the skin against pimples.
Some food items that you should include in your beauty diet:
• Drink as much as water as you can. Water removes the toxins from the body and freshens your skin and makes in glow.
• To keep nails strong and moisturized by eating loads of protein. Protein helps in the build up of keratin.
• Food that is rich in vitamin B makes your hair shiny.
• Vitamin C helps in the build up of collagen, that reduces wrinkles. Kiwi fruit is the perfect source of vitamin C. Other good sources are oranges, mango, honeydew and papaya.
• To remove stain from the enamel of your teeth eat crunchy foods like apples and celery.
• Almonds are known for their anti-aging qualities. Almonds also contain antioxidant selenium. Do not too many of them as they will add calories.
• Vitamin E is known to ease the swelling and redness related with sunburns.
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