Sunday, October 2, 2011

Tips On How To Treat Eczema

Author: Skincaregist

Tips On How To Treat Eczema

Eczema means skin inflammation. It is a skin disorder that causes redness, itching and the eruption of oozing vesicular lesions. Eczema is also known as atopic dermatitis.It can appears on your neck, legs, hands, back, face etc. Eczema can be treated naturally and medically. There are different types of eczema. They are:

1. Atopic eczema

2.Contact dermatitis

3. Xerotic eczema

4.Seborrhoeic dermatitis


6.Discoid eczema

7.Venous eczema

8.Dermatitis herpetiformis

9. Neurodermatitis


The type of chemical you are exposed to determines if you going to have eczema or not. This is because eczema could be triggered by substances like dish washing liquid, soap, shampoo.

 Perfume, cosmetics, jewelry, hormal changes, medicines, stress, climate condition, clothes or materials that are sensitive to your skin are also known to be the major causes of eczema. 

However, can food triggers eczema? Yes, some type of foods can trigger eczema, some people are allergic to some foods like strawberries, nuts, eggs, peanut, cow milk and shellfish. The reason being that some of these foods have preservatives which are used to protect foods from spoilage.

There are some environmental irritants that can bring about eczema they are house dust mites, tree and grass pollens, hair, saliva and skin from animals, fungal spores, feather stuffing in pillows mould or pet dander, bacteria etc.

Treating eczema involves buying skin care products that can get rid of eczema from your skin.  The following skin care products have the needed elements that can help you to get rid of eczema; Virgin Coconut Oil, colloidal oatmeal, coconut butter lotion,Vaseline, Aqauphor.

Before buying a product, make sure you contact your dermatologist for advice.  You need to have a good healthy diet. Fruit, vegetables, fish oil, salmon, walnut, omega 3,6 and 9 should be part of your balance diet. Avoid any clothes or material, detergent that could cause flare-up.

There are drugs you can use to get rid of eczema, the only problem with drugs is their side effect some of them are Oral antihistamines, Flucloxacillin, Erythromycin, Elidel andProtopic but they are effective. You can ask you dermatologist on where to get them.


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About the Author

Sharon James is a dermatologist who takes care of skin diseases in the widest sense, and some cosmetic problems of the skin, scalp, hair, and nails. She has a website that teaches people how they can beautify their skin the right way. 

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